per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 24.8 g
Proteins 7.5 g
Fats 0.1 g
Water 66.3 g
Fiber 7.3 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 1.3 grams

Adzuki Beans

128 Calories per 100g

Adzuki beans are a type of legume, and just like many other legumes, they are an excellent source of nutrition and a sustainable food source. Adzuki beans come from plants of the genus Vigna and are cultivated mostly in East Asia. They shape like small kidney beans, but are smaller and are brown in colour. They are a nutritious and versatile ingredient for many dishes, but traditionally, Adzuki beans are used in East Asian desserts and confectioneries.

Adzuki beans provide a range of health benefits to those who incorporate them into their diet. Nutritionally, Adzuki beans are high in protein, which is important for muscle and tissue repair. They are also a great source of complex carbohydrates, which are energy dense and help to improve mental clarity. Additionally, Adzuki beans are a good source of dietary fibre, which helps to promote digestion, reduce blood sugar levels, and keeps you feeling full for longer. Furthermore, Adzuki beans are rich in essential minerals, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.

Adzuki beans are used in sweet treats such as traditional Japanese mochi, as well as in Chinese pastries, steamed buns, cakes and desserts. They may be prepared with other ingredients to create a porridge-like consistency or used simply as a bean paste. The preparation of Adzuki beans usually involves soaking them in water for a few hours and then boiling them for about an hour. This process helps to increase the flavour, texture and the nutrients of the beans. Adzuki Bean paste can be used to flavour stews, soups and sauces. They can also be used to make cold salads and hot stir-fries.

Adzuki beans have been used for centuries in traditional East Asian medicine and natural remedies. This can be attributed to the fact that Adzuki beans contain a combination of qualities that act in detoxifying and healing the body. They’re a source of saponins, which are compounds that help to cleanse the digestive tract and expel toxins from the body. Adzuki beans are believed to help to reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, promote healthy skin and boost the immune system. In Chinese medicine, Adzuki beans are also known as ‘cool beans’ and are used to cool down the body and balance the digestive system.

In terms of sustainability, Adzuki beans are considered to be one of the most sustainable food sources. This is due to the fact that they are relatively easy to grow and require few resources to do so. Adzuki beans are also associated with crop rotation, as this helps to replenish and recharge the soil with nutrients that would otherwise have been depleted. As well as this, Adzuki beans are a great resource for those who are trying to reduce their carbon footprint, as legumes generally produce fewer greenhouse gases than other types of animal proteins.

All in all, Adzuki beans are a powerhouse of health benefits and should definitely be added to your diet. They are a fantastic source of essential nutrients and provide numerous health benefits. In addition, they are also highly sustainable and offer a range of versatile recipes, allowing them to become a staple item in many households. Whatever form you choose to consume them, Adzuki beans are sure to add a delicious, nutritious twist to any dish!