per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 0 g
Fats 99.8 g
Water 0.2 g
Sugar 0 ug
Fiber 0 ug

Duck Fat

882 Calories per 100g

What is Duck Fat and What Are the Benefits?

When it comes to adding flavor and depth to savory dishes, few cooking fats can do what duck fat can do. Not only does it improve the flavor of food, but duck fat also imparts beneficial health benefits. Duck fat is a type of rendered fat from the fat of ducks and geese that has a savory, rich flavor. High in fat-soluble vitamins, it’s particularly prized in French cuisine, but can be used in all sorts of dishes.

To make duck fat, the fat and skin are cut off of a whole duck, usually in chunks. The fat is then placed in a skillet over medium heat until it renders down. The exact cooking time will depend on how much fat you’re rendering and how high the heat is. Once the fat has been rendered, it can be strained or skimmed off. The result is a clear, yellowish fat with a savory flavor. It can be used to fry, sauté, or even to make a pan sauce.

The rich flavor and texture of duck fat make it an excellent choice for dishes like stocks, soups, and stews. It can be used to coat roasted potatoes and other vegetables for a unique flavor that’s difficult to duplicate with other cooking fats. Duck fat can also be used in baking; it makes delicious croissants and can be used as a substitute for butter in some recipes.

In terms of fat content, duck fat is similar to animal fat but higher in certain essential vitamins. Animal fats tend to be higher in saturated fat while duck fat has a higher proportion of monounsaturated fat which is believed to have a protective effect against heart disease. Duck fat is also high in vitamins A, D and E, as well as omega-6 fatty acids.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of cooking with duck fat is its low smoke point. This means it can be cooked to a higher temperature without smoking, making it an ideal choice for high-heat cooking methods like searing and frying. When cooking with duck fat, it’s important to use a thermometer to ensure that you don’t exceed its 392°F smoke point. Exceeding this temperature could damage the fat, releasing free radicals that could be harmful to your health.

One of the best parts about duck fat is that it’s incredibly versatile. It can be used in both savory and sweet dishes, although it’s usually better suited to savory dishes. It goes especially well with potatoes, root vegetables, and green vegetables like Brussels sprouts and kale. Duck fat also pairs wonderfully with fresh herbs and spices and has a particularly pleasing taste when combined with garlic or shallots.

When it comes to storing duck fat, it’s best to keep it in a cool, dark place in a tightly sealed container. Duck fat can be refrigerated for up to four months, but it’s important to check for signs of spoilage before using. Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep rendered duck fat away from light, as exposure to light can damage the fat and reduce its nutritional value.

As you can see, duck fat is a highly versatile and flavorful cooking fat that has some impressive health benefits. Its subtle yet robust flavor pairs perfectly with many dishes, both savory and sweet. Not only that, but duck fat also has a lower smoke point than other cooking fats, making it ideal for pan-frying and searing. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder why duck fat is becoming an increasingly popular cooking fat in the culinary world.