per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 15.2 g
Proteins 0.7 g
Fats 0.4 g
Water 83.3 g
Sugar 8.2 grams
Fiber 6.4 grams
Starch 0 ug
Trans Fats 0 ug
Cholesterol 0 ug
Ash 0.4 grams


61 Calories per 100g

A Feijoa, otherwise known as pineapple guava, is an exotic fruit with an incredibly unique flavor. Native to Brazil, it grows on an evergreen shrub or small tree, and is a popular addition to many dishes. The fruit itself is roughly egg-shaped and varies in size, ranging from two to six centimeters in length. Its skin is very thin and somewhat leathery, ranging in color from yellowish-green to dark purple. When ripe, the fruit turns a deeper shade and develops a slight, sweet fragrance. Inside, the flesh of the Feijoa is slightly gelatinous and contains several crunchy seeds enveloped in a sweet, aromatic juice.

The flavor of a Feijoa is truly unique. A mix of pineapple, guava and lemon, it combines the sweet, tart and sour flavors all into one. While some people describe the taste as similar to apples, others find hints of pear or strawberry within the fruit’s flavors. It can be eaten raw, added to salads, used as a garnish or as an ingredient in jams and sauces.

When it comes to health benefits, Feijoas have many. They are rich in B vitamins, potassium and antioxidants, making them great for vision health and improving the immune system. Additionally, they are high in dietary fiber, which helps regulate blood glucose levels and makes them effectively anti-diabetic, helpful for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Those looking for a prebiotic kick (microbes that live in the digestive system) need look no further either, as a Feijoa, when eaten regularly can help protect against infection, improve digestion and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Perhaps one of the most exciting possibilities of Feijoas though, is their potential as an aphrodisiac. As they are rich in iron, they are thought to increase libido and arousal in men. Some experts believe that the aromatic juice found in the fruit can also boost energy levels and reduce tiredness. While it remains to be scientifically proven, some argue that the properties of Feijoas can positively affect the production of testosterone and therefore increase sexual desire.

The Feijoa is a truly remarkable fruit, with a unique taste that offers a wide variety of health benefits. Whether you use it to zest up salads, as a jam topping or as an aphrodisiac, the possibilities of this exotic fruit are truly endless. If you’re looking for an intriguing, healthy and flavorful addition to your diet, a Feijoa should definitely be on your list.