per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 1.6 g
Proteins 25.6 g
Fats 31.1 g
Water 37.9 g
Sugar 1.6 grams
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 3.8 grams

Fontina Cheese

389 Calories per 100g

Fontina cheese is an Italian cheese that dates back centuries, with some sources indicating it is believed to have first appeared during Roman times. It is an important part of the culinary traditions of many cultures, most notably Italy and France. Made from cow's milk, Fontina cheese is a semi-soft cheese with an alluring aroma and a stable texture. It is flavoured with a light, tart, nutty flavour that pairs nicely with various forms of wine and food.

Fontina cheese is a member of the Gruyere family, which encompasses a number of French and Italian cheeses. The most unique aspect of this cheese family is that they are made using either cow’s, goat’s, or sheep’s milk. Fontina cheese, in particular, is made with cow’s milk, which gives its flavour and texture their distinctive characteristics. Some versions are flavored with mushrooms—a trend that dates back to the 18th century.

Fontina cheese is produced in many different parts of the world. The original cheese is from the Valle d’Aosta in northern Italy and is made from the area’s rich grassy pastures. Other popular versions of Fontina cheese can be found in France, Switzerland, and Denmark. The main difference between Italian and other versions of Fontina cheese is the ageing process. Italian Fontina is aged longer and has a stronger flavour and a creamier texture than its other counterparts.

Inside the cheese, the colour is pale yellow with a few small eyes. It has a uniform texture and consistency, with softer edges and a supple mouthfeel. The rind is slightly rough and glossy, and appears to be slightly lighter in colour than the cheese. The smell is both sweet and nutty, with an unmistakable aroma of butter.

Fontina cheese works exceptionally well in dishes presented both hot and cold. It melts quickly and evenly, making it ideal for sauces and gratins. Fontina also works well with grilled meats, adding unique flavours and a creative presentation. It can also be used in omelettes, pasta dishes, mac and cheese, and pizza.

Fontina cheese has a wide range of uses in the kitchen. In particular, it can be used in various cooking methods, such as fondue and baked goods. Fontina is also used to make Danish Fontina, which is a soft and creamy spread that can be enjoyed on toast, crackers, and bagels. Additionally, Fontina is used in a wide variety of recipes, making it a versatile ingredient for the home cook.

Because Fontina cheese has a high fat content, it does not freeze very well. It is best kept in a cool spot away from direct sunlight. It should also be protected from extreme temperatures as this can cause the cheese to spoil. However, when properly stored, Fontina can last for up to three weeks.

Fontina cheese is a unique and flavorful cheese that carries a strong culinary influence from Italy. As the cheese ages, its flavor and texture will develop a deeper flavor and complexity. With its ability to melt and its sweet, nutty aroma, Fontina cheese is a great addition to any table. Whether you're looking for a cheese to use as a topping or an ingredient to use in more creative dishes, Fontina cheese is sure to please and delight.