per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 15.1 g
Proteins 1.3 g
Fats 0.1 g
Water 82.8 g
Fiber 1.1 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 0.7 grams


60 Calories per 100g

A longan is a fruit-bearing tree native to Southeast Asia and a member of the soapberry family. The longan tree produces clusters of small, round fruits that are similar in appearance to lychee and have a sweet, slightly tart flavor. They are usually eaten fresh, but can also be dried and used to make desserts, drinks, jams, and other culinary creations.

The longan tree can grow to 20-50 feet in height and bears many small, white flowers in spring and early summer, with the fruits maturing in late summer and early fall. The fruits are typically 1-2 centimeters in diameter and have a thin, golden-brown skin that can be easily peeled off. Underneath the skin lies the juicy, white pulp with a single, large inedible seed. The pulp is sweet and slightly tart, with a flavor reminiscent of both grape and honey.

Longans are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber. They are also rich in compounds such as flavonoids and polyphenols that can help reduce inflammation and boost immunity. Longans also contain various substances with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, making them a great choice for anyone interested in improving their overall health.

Consuming longans has long been part of Asian culture and traditions. They are often eaten fresh as a snack or in salads. They can also be cooked and used to make soups, rice dishes, and puddings. Dried longans are often used to make herbal teas and medicinal drinks. The fruits can also be preserved and pickled for extended use.

In traditional Chinese medicine, longans are considered to have cooling and calming effects on the mind, body, and spirit. It is believed that consuming longans can help rejuvenate and restore balance to the body. Longan fruits are valued for their ability to promote healthy digestion and reduce stomach discomfort. They are also thought to help improve circulation and can aid in treating insomnia, anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems.

Today, longans are widely available throughout Southeast Asia in markets and supermarkets. They can also be found in some specialty stores and online. When choosing longans, look for produce that is free of blemishes and has a glossy, golden-brown color. Ripe longans should be both sweet and tart and their flesh should yield easily when gently pressed. Avoid pre-packaged fruits as they can often be either overly ripe or underripe.

Longans are a delicious and nutritious tropical treat that can be enjoyed in many different ways. From fresh snacks and herbal teas to cooked dishes and preserves, there are many possibilities for incorporating this unique fruit into your diet. With their pleasing flavor and potential health benefits, longans are certainly worth giving a try the next time you’re shopping for exotic produce.