per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 12.5 g
Proteins 0.5 g
Fats 0.5 g
Water 86.2 g
Fiber 3 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 0.3 grams


51 Calories per 100g

Have you ever heard of the Mammy-apple? It’s a small, sweet-tasting fruit that’s native to the West Indian islands and the southern United States. Aptly named for its shape, the Mammy-apple looks like a miniaturized watermelon, with its light green rind covered in mottled purple-brown spots. The inner flesh is also lightly green, occasionally streaked with red or pink, and always extremely sweet and fragrant. Full of juicy-sweetness and a unique tropical flavor, the Mammy-apple has been enjoyed by those of us lucky enough to get our hands on these little gems for centuries.

The Mammy-apple’s scientific name is Passiflora mammeata, and it is a member of the Passifloraceae, or passionflower family. It belongs to the genus Passiflora, which contains over 500 species of flowering plants that are spread throughout Central and South America, as well as in tropical regions across the world. The tendency of Passiflora species to hybridize and produce new varieties makes it a challenge to track their exact origin, but researchers believe that the unique smelling, sweet-tasting Mammy-apple originated in the West Indies.

The little Mammy-apple may be small in size, but it sure compensates for that with its immense flavor. Its smell is complex and nuanced, and the scent of ripe Mammy-apples could be used to divine if a tree was hiding additional sweet fruit or not. As for the taste, the Mammy-apple is remarkably sweet, sometimes described as honeyed, with an intensely fruity finish that many liken to a sweet, fragrant mix of pineapples and jasmine.

It’s no surprise then that the Mammy-apple has been celebrated in Caribbean culture for many years, especially in songs and lyrics. It even features in the popular Norelangue song “La Mamme-Before”, written in the 1930s.

Though the Mammy-apple is native to the tropics, they can be grown in temperate climates as well. They prefer full sun exposure and should be planted in well-drained soil that’s been amended with plenty of compost. The trees are easily propagated by cuttings, though air layering is best for more mature plants. It’s important to note that harvesting Mammy-apples is labor intensive and requires climbing the tree in order to get the best of the fruits.

An interesting fact about this little Mauve wonder is that, apart from its fantastic flavor, the Mammy-apple is used in traditional medicine. In Jamaica, the leaves are used in a tea infusion to treat diarrhea, stomach problems, and breathing issues. It’s also thought to help with hypertension and cholesterol levels.

But how can you add this deliciously unique tropical fruit to your kitchen? Well, here’s the best part – Mammy-apples are widely available in some big supermarkets, especially in tropical areas of the US. Look for fruits with yellowish-green skin that holds the ‘mottled’ spots typical of Mammy-apples.

Due to their delicate nature, it’s best to eat them fresh. However, if you decide to cook with them, know that slight acidic flavors and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg enhance the Mammy-apple’s natural sweetness. You can use them to make jams and jellies, pies, smoothies, and even savory dishes.

The Mammy-apple is an interesting and delicious addition to any kitchen, and if you’re lucky enough to find some, make sure to grab them before they’re gone. After all, nothing beats enjoying one of nature’s sweetest creations – the Mammy-apple.