40 Calories per 100g

Onions: Complete Vitamin Profile

Onions: Considered a good source of vitamins?

Onions are a great source of many vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, B-6, Manganese, Potassium, Iron, Folate, Calcium, and Magnesium.

In terms of Vitamin C, a single medium onion provides almost 10% of your daily recommended value. Vitamin C is an important part of any healthy diet, as it helps boost the immune system while providing some anti-oxidant benefits. It also helps with collagen production which can help keep skin healthy and elastic.

B-Vitamins such as B-6 are also found in onions. These particular vitamins assist in proper functioning of the nervous system, support red blood cell production, and produce energy from proteins and fats. Since these vitamins cannot be stored in the body for more than a few weeks, making sure to get enough intake on a regular basis is key to maintaining health.

Manganese and Potassium found in onions plays an essential role in both skeletal and muscular health by helping regulate muscle contraction and nerve conduction, supporting cardiac function, and even assisting with calcium absorption.

With its high mineral content, onions are able to provide allies in defense against chronic diseases like osteoporosis and diabetes. Iron and folate supply necessary nutrients for healthy blood cells formation, magnesium aids blood pressure control, and calcium keeps bones strong and flexible.

Overall, onions are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that offer an array of health benefits - when eaten raw or cooked!