per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 4.2 g
Proteins 8.9 g
Fats 2.7 g
Water 83 g
Sugar 1 grams
Fiber 0 ug
Starch 0.7 grams
Trans Fats 0.7 grams
Cholesterol 0.7 grams
Ash 1.3 grams


79 Calories per 100g


If you’re considering adding a touch of opulence to your seafood spread, then an oyster is sure to do the trick. This elegant delicacy is beloved by many around the world, but what is an oyster exactly?

Oysters are saltwater mollusks that belong to the phylum Mollusca, the same phylum which includes octopus, squids, and clams. They are typically found along coastlines in both warm and cold waters. Oysters have hard shells that protect their soft flesh, which is particularly delicious when seasoned with lemon and served on a half-shell.

Anatomy of an Oyster

Oysters come in many shapes and sizes, but they share some basic anatomy. The outside of the oyster is made up of two shells that hinge together. Inside the shells, you’ll find the oyster’s body parts, such as the mantle, the adductor muscles, the gills, and the stomach. The mantle is a thin, slimy layer of tissue that lies beneath the shells and covers the organs. The adductor muscles help the oyster close the shells tight when it feels threatened. The gills, which work like a filter system to draw oxygen from the water, help the oyster to breathe underwater. Last but not least, the stomach is located at the bottom of the body, near the heart.

Culinary Uses

Oysters can be enjoyed raw, steamed, grilled, or fried. Each preparation method brings out different flavors and textures. They can be eaten on the half shell or shucked and eaten with a fork, depending on the recipe. Oysters are also a key ingredient in dishes such as sauces and soups.

Foodies may enjoy exploring the world of oysters, with each type having its own subtle flavor profile. Eastcoast varieties such as Malpeque, Kumamoto, and Wellfleet are more light and briny, while Pacific oysters such as Kusshi, Hama Hama, and Olympia are richer and sweeter.

Getting to Know an Oyster

The flavor of an oyster also changes depending on where it’s harvested. The terroir, or local climate and environment, will influence the oyster’s taste. Since oysters feed by filtering their environment, their flavor will depend on how clean and salty their water is. Their diet also factors into their flavor and texture, since the proteins and minerals they consume (such as plankton) can change the oyster’s composition.

Health Benefits

Not only is oyster delicious, but it’s also good for you. It’s an excellent source of iron and zinc, which are essential minerals for the body. It’s also rich in calcium and vitamin A, which can strengthen bones, improve the immune system, and support eye health.

Oysters may also keep your heart healthy. They contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which increase “good” HDL cholesterol and decrease “bad” LDL cholesterol. Lastly, oysters are a great source of vitamin B12, which helps to reduce homocysteine levels and may prevent against heart disease.

The Bottom Line

Whether you are facing a three-course dinner for two or a casual seafood party, oysters are always a delight. They offer a range of health benefits and culinary experiences, from briny to sweet, and are sure to elevate the flavor of any seafood meal.