239 Calories per 100g

Pheasant Meat: Complete Mineral Profile

Pheasant Meat: Considered a good source of minerals?

Yes, pheasant meat is a good source of minerals. This game bird contains essential vitamins and minerals that are important for human health. Pheasant meat is especially high in selenium, an antioxidant mineral that has been linked to cancer prevention and heart health. It also contains significant amounts of B-complex vitamins, including thiamine (Vitamin B1) and niacin (Vitamin B3). These vitamins play key roles in energy metabolism, as well as proper brain and neurological functions. Zinc, another important mineral found in pheasant meat, helps boost our immune systems and aids in wound healing; it's also necessary for normal taste and smell sensations. Finally, pheasant meat is packed with iron, which plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells and transporting oxygen throughout the body. All of these nutrients are readily available through eating this type of lean protein.