82 Calories per 100g

Rambutan: Complete Mineral Profile

Rambutan: Considered a good source of minerals?

Yes, Rambutan is a good source of minerals. This exotic fruit contains essential trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Potassium helps to control the body’s water balance, assisting in heart function and cell activity. Calcium has many vital roles including maintaining healthy bones and teeth, controlling muscle contractions, aiding blood clotting and regulating hormones. Magnesium is necessary for energy production, cellular metabolism, regulating muscle and nerve function and forming strong bones. Phosphorus is required for energy metabolism, tissue repairing, producing new cells and helping to balance body acids. All these minerals are important for overall health and vitality.

Rambutans also provide smaller amounts of sodium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese, which are all beneficial in servicing the body's needs. As a good source of dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates, combined with its mineral content makes this a super-fruit not to be overlooked. The flesh of the Rambutan is juicy and sweet and can be enjoyed fresh or dried and added to recipes. Enjoy it now regularly as part of your diet and you will reap rewards in terms of good health and well being.