per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 21.3 g
Proteins 24.4 g
Fats 49.7 g
Water 1.8 g
Fiber 8.4 grams
Starch 4.4 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Cholesterol 4.4 ug
Ash 2.9 grams

Roasted Peanuts

587 Calories per 100g

Peanuts, otherwise known as goobers, are a type of nut native to South America that is packed with nutrition such as fiber, protein, and healthy unsaturated fats. Despite being high in calories, peanuts are an incredibly nutrient-dense food, providing numerous benefits for both health and pleasure. “Roasted peanuts” are peanuts that have been cooked—either hot-air roasted, oiled, or boiled—in order to enhance the flavor and texture of the nut. Let’s take a closer look at what roasted peanuts are, the different methods of roasting, and the advantages of roasted peanuts.

What Are Roasted Peanuts?

Roasted peanuts are peanuts that have been cooked in a way that changes their texture and flavor. These peanuts can be cooked by a variety of methods, including hot-air roasting, oil roasting and boiling. Different techniques are used for different effects. For example, hot air roasting produces a dry, crisp texture and a light golden color. Oil roasting adds depth to the flavor, while boiling helps soften the nuts and eliminates the need for added salt or sugar.

Hot-air Roasted Peanuts

Hot-air roasting is the most common method of roasting peanuts. This method uses a convection oven or a roasting machine to roast the peanuts by circulating hot air over them. The temperatures usually range from 140°F to 180°F and the roasting time varies depending on the size of the nut. Hot-air roasted peanuts tend to have a dry, crunchy texture and a golden color.

Oil Roasted Peanuts

Oil roasting, also known as dry roasting, involves coating the peanuts with a neutral-flavor oil before cooking them in an oven or a larger roasting machine. This type of roasting can bring out even more flavor and aroma, making them much tastier. The process typically requires more oil than hot-air roasting and the peanuts may be cooked at slightly higher temperatures—usually 240°F to 270°F—and for a slightly longer amount of time.

Boiled Peanuts

Boiling peanuts is another popular method of roasting that produces soft, almost-mushy peanuts. This method is popular in the Southern regions of the United States as well as in Asia. The boiling process involves covering raw peanuts in water, adding salt, and then cooking them until they’re tender. This method is often used for making snack mixes and other dishes that may call for softer nuts.

Advantages of Roasted Peanuts

There are numerous advantages to roasting peanuts. First of all, peanuts that have been roasted are generally more flavorful. This is due to the Maillard reaction, which occurs when heat is applied to certain foods—the sugars and amino acids in the peanut are "cooked," resulting in a more complex flavor. Roasting also improves the texture of peanuts, resulting in a crunchier, more enjoyable nut. Additionally, roasted peanuts are easier to eat because the roasting process helps loosen and break apart the skins.

Finally, roasting the peanuts helps to preserve them longer, as the heat helps kill any bacteria that may be present. This extends the shelf life of the nut, allowing people to keep them around longer without having to worry about spoilage.

In conclusion, roasted peanuts are a delicious and nutritious snack. Roasting these peanuts improves the flavor, texture, and aroma, and also helps to preserve them for a longer shelf life. Hot-air roasting, oil roasting, and boiling are all popular methods of roasting that can help customize the flavor and texture of the nuts. All three methods help to enhance the nutritional value of the peanuts and provide numerous advantages for enjoyment and health. If you’re looking for a tasty snack or want to get a remarkable boost of nutrients in your diet, look no further than roasted peanuts.