per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 20 g
Proteins 20.8 g
Fats 51.5 g
Water 4.7 g
Fiber 8.6 grams
Ash 3 grams

Sunflower Seeds

584 Calories per 100g

Most of us are familiar with the beautiful sight of a sunflower blooming with its vibrant yellow petals, but did you know that the gorgeous flower can produce tasty snacks as well? Sunflower seeds are the edible seed of the sunflower plant and have become very popular snacks over the past few decades. The seeds are small, flat discs that can be eaten either raw or in a variety of food products like cereals, granola bars and trail mixes. Sunflower seeds are very nutritious and come packed with a multitude of essential vitamins and minerals, making them beneficial for your health regardless of how you consume them.

Sunflower seeds are the most widely cultivated oilseed crop in the world and have been a major source of cooking oil since ancient times. Sunflowers were first domesticated in Central Mexico more than 3,000 years ago, and are a member of the daisy family. In its natural state, the sunflower is a tall flowering plant, reaching up to twelve feet in height and producing numerous edible seeds per plant. Sunflower plants can produce a single head of seeds comprised of hundreds of individual seeds, or multiple smaller heads of seeds.

When selecting sunflower seeds, look for those that have a light cream or light brown color and are free of hulls that haven’t been damaged. Shelled sunflower seeds are available in stores and marketplaces as well as online in a variety of forms, including raw, toasted and salted, and lightly seasoned. If you plan to use the seeds for salads, baking or other recipes, buy them raw and unsalted. For snacking purposes, purchase salted or lightly seasoned sunflower seeds.

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin E supports eye health and fights cell-damaging free radicals. The seeds also contain unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including linoleic acid, which has been shown to reduce inflammation and support heart health. Additionally, sunflower seeds are a great source of magnesium, which is important for muscle and nerve health, and they contain a significant amount of phosphorus, which helps to promote strong bones.

If you are looking for a delicious and healthy snack, sunflower seeds could be the perfect choice. They are an excellent source of protein and fiber, making them a perfect snack for those who want to eat something light but still feel satisfied. Sunflower seeds are also high in vitamin B6 and folate, which are both essential for maintaining good health. Sunflower seeds are very versatile, and can be added to salads, muffins, cakes and other sweet treats.

Sunflower seeds can also be used to make a variety of savory dishes. Roasted sunflower seeds make an excellent garnish for soups, salads and stir-fries. Sunflower seed flour and sunflower seed meal can be used in place of traditional all-purpose flour for baking. Sunflower seed butter is a tasty and nutritious alternative to peanut butter. It is made from ground sunflower seeds, and has a mild nutty flavor.

Whether you eat them as a snack, use them in recipes, or use their oil as an ingredient in your favorite products, sunflower seeds are a versatile and delicious addition to your diet. Not only are they delightful when eaten in their raw form, but they’re also incredibly nutritious, packing a plethora of vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Sunflower seeds are easy to find, easy to eat and offer a variety of health benefits – add them to your diet and start reaping the rewards of a sunnier, healthier lifestyle!