per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 10.1 g
Proteins 4.8 g
Fats 0.5 g
Water 83.7 g
Fiber 3.6 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 0.9 grams

Broad Beans

62 Calories per 100g

Broad beans, also known as fava beans, are a type of legume native to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. They have long been cultivated for their nutritious and versatile pods, which can be eaten fresh or dried and made into a range of dishes. The plant itself is fairly hardy and can be grown in a variety of climates, making them a popular crop for farmers and gardeners alike.

Broad beans are believed to have been among the first cultivated plants in the world and have been a staple of diets for thousands of years. They’re packed with nutrients such as fiber, protein, and various vitamins and minerals, making them an incredibly healthy food choice. They are also quite versatile, as they can be eaten in a variety of ways - either fresh, dried, or processed into a paste.

The most common way to enjoy broad beans is to cook the pods whole in soups and stews or boil and mash them until they are soft and creamy. The beans can also be used to make large salads and dips, stir-fries, and even sweets. In addition, they are great cooked in curries and sauces, or enjoyed as part of a healthy vegetarian dish.

Not only are they delicious, but they’re also incredibly good for you. The pods contain a high amount of fiber which helps to keep your digestion regular and keep your blood sugar levels stable, as well as providing you with nutrients such as folate and magnesium. Broad beans are also a good source of plant-based protein, which is essential for building and repairing tissues in our bodies.

Broad beans can be commonly found in grocery stores throughout the year. When selecting them, look for pods that are firm and green, with no black spots or mold. If the beans have already been shelled, check for any discoloration; fresh beans should have a bright green color. However, if the broad beans have been dried, they can be stored in airtight containers in a cool, dry, dark place and enjoyed for several months or even a year or two.

When preparing broad beans, start by soaking the beans overnight before cooking - this helps to reduce the phytic acid that can cause digestive discomfort, as well as reduce the cooking time. Once they’re soft, they can be boiled or steamed until tender, or alternatively chopped and added to sauces and curries.

Broad beans are an excellent source of plant-based nutrition and an extremely versatile food that can be enjoyed in many different recipes. Whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian, or just looking for a tasty meal, give broad beans a try for a healthy and balanced diet.