per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 23.6 g
Proteins 6.8 g
Fats 0.3 g
Water 67.2 g
Fiber 5.4 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 2.1 grams

Lima Beans

123 Calories per 100g

and why it is considered a superfood

Lima beans have long been considered a nutritional powerhouse, but are beginning to gain attention again as a "superfood". Whether you’re looking to add nutrients to your diet or simply branch out for some culinary fun, adding this unique legume to your cooking routine is a delicious way to get back to basics and reap the benefits of many essential minerals and vitamins.

Simply put, a lima bean is a type of dried bean in the Fabaceae family, a group of legumes commonly referred to as beans. Though lima beans get their name from Lima, Peru, their origin is actually much older. Historians believe they were first cultivated as early as 7,000 BCE and transported to Europe in the 16th century.

In terms of nutrition, lima beans boast numerous dietary advantages. They’re high in both protein and fiber, contain a significant amount of iron, and are a rich source of essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium and folic acid. Thanks to these, lima beans offer a range of health benefits, from encouraging healthy digestion to providing necessary vitamins and minerals important for overall health and well-being.

Lima beans are also good for weight loss because of their low calorie content and high fiber content. A half-cup serving of lima beans contains only 130 calories, according to the USDA. The fiber in lima beans not only helps you feel full longer, but also helps slow down digestion and allows your body to absorb nutrients more effectively.

Despite the health benefits of lima beans, some people choose to stay away from them for fear of the sensation otherwise known as "gastric distress" sometimes associated with them. Contrary to popular belief however, this only occurs when lima beans are cooked incorrectly. To ensure that you enjoy this legume without any unpleasant side effects, all you need to do is ensure adequate soaking time before cooking the beans.

Although lima beans are good for you, their nutritional value depends largely on the way you prepare them. There are several different ways to cook lima beans, such as simmering, boiling, pressure cooking, or steaming them. Boiling is the traditional way of preparing lima beans, but steaming them can help retain more of their Vitamin C. For added flavor and texture, you can also try marinating, roasting, or pureeing them.

No matter how you choose to prepare them, lima beans are a great food to add to your diet. Their high nutrient content and high fiber content make them an excellent choice for expanding your culinary horizons in a healthier direction. Lima beans are versatile, easy to find, and work well with a variety of flavors. They’re an especially popular ingredient in soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and side dishes.

Ultimately, lima beans are a great addition to any healthy diet or nutrition plan. Not only are they full of essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins, but also provide a number of other important health benefits. If you're looking for a way to increase your vegetable intake and add some plant-based nutrition to your meals, give lima beans a try—you may just be surprised at how much you enjoy them!