105 Calories per 100g

Mung Beans: Complete Mineral Profile

Mung Beans: Considered a good source of minerals?

Yes, mung beans are a good source of minerals. They contain high amounts of important trace elements such as zinc, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium as well as many other essential nutrients. Approximately six percent of mung bean dry weight is made up of minerals, so they can be an excellent source in vegan or vegetarian diets. The amount of these minerals varies depending on where the mung beans were grown and how they were processed.

Mung beans are particularly high in zinc, containing 122mg per 100g serving. Zinc helps to strengthen the immune system, supports healthy skin, produces energy, and supports nerve function. Mung beans also provide good amounts of iron, with 67mg per 100g serving. Iron plays an important role in forming hemoglobin, carrying oxygen throughout the body. It is especially beneficial for pregnant women who need adequate levels of iron every day.

Calcium content in mung beans is lower than some other legumes, but it still provides 11% of your daily requirement per 100g serving. This mineral is absolutely necessary for building strong bones and teeth and for proper functioning of the nervous system. Mung beans provide approximately 269mg of potassium per 100g, which helps to regulate fluids within the body and reduce blood pressure. Additionally, these small legumes contain 32mg of magnesium per 100g, which helps to form strong bones as well as supporting muscle and heart health.

Overall, mung beans are a great source of important minerals and provide vegetarians and vegans with an added boost to help refuel their bodies.