44 Calories per 100g

Cooked Onion: Complete Mineral Profile

Cooked Onion: Considered a good source of minerals?

Cooked onion can be a good source of minerals depending on the preparation method used. Minerals in cooked onions, such as sodium, potassium and magnesium, are retained when cooked using low temperatures or brief boiling. These methods help retain nutrients since high temperature can cause significant losses of vitamins and minerals. The minerals present in cooked onions will vary based on the variety of onion and growing conditions. With that said, they are generally known to provide a good amount of potassium, with one cup (160g) providing around 10% of an adult’s daily recommended value. They also have other essential minerals including phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese, which all make up part of our normal dietary intake. Therefore, we can conclude that cooked onions can be a good source of minerals.