per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 20.1 g
Proteins 1.6 g
Fats 0.1 g
Water 77.3 g
Sugar 4.2 grams
Fiber 3 grams
Starch 12.7 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Cholesterol 12.7 ug
Ash 1 grams

Raw Sweet Potato

86 Calories per 100g

A Raw Sweet Potato–A Delicious, Nutritious and Versatile Superfood

If you ask most people which vegetable is a nutritious, delicious and versatile superfood, chances are, the sweet potato is not going to come to mind. But this root vegetable is packed full of vital vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and is an excellent source of dietary fibers. The best, and healthiest way to get the most out of a sweet potato is to consume it in a raw form. This article will explore the many health benefits of eating a raw sweet potato, along with some tips on how to prepare and store them.

The Nutrition in a Raw Sweet Potato

A raw sweet potato is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which can help decrease cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, and promote healthy gut bacteria. It is also an excellent source of antioxidants, as well as vitamins A and C which aid in preventing cell damage and fighting off infections.

Sweet potatoes are also a good source of complex carbohydrates, providing sustained energy throughout the day. Furthermore, sweet potatoes contain magnesium, potassium, manganese, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, and zinc. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, sweet potatoes are a low-glycemic food and contain a variety of anti-inflammatory compounds.

The Health Benefits of Eating a Raw Sweet Potato

Eating a raw sweet potato has a number of health benefits. The dietary fiber content helps keep cholesterol levels in check, while the antioxidants may help protect against cancer and other illnesses. The high levels of vitamin A found in a raw sweet potato may also help protect against vision problems, while the beta-carotene content may help reduce signs of aging.

In addition, the high levels of B vitamins may help boost the immune system and improve digestion. Finally, the glucose content of a raw sweet potato can help stabilize blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy.

How to Prepare and Store a Raw Sweet Potato

The best way to prepare a raw sweet potato is to wash it under cold running water, then dry it thoroughly. It is then ready to be peeled or grated into dishes such as smoothies, salads and soups. You can also grate the entire sweet potato and refrigerate it for up to 3 days and use it in baking, stir-fries and even baking.

When storing sweet potatoes, make sure to keep them in a cool, dark and dry place and keep them away from direct sunlight. Storing them in the fridge is not recommended, as this will cause them to lose their nutrients. When purchasing sweet potatoes, choose ones which are firm and free from blemishes and wilting.


A raw sweet potato is a delicious, nutritious and versatile superfood providing a range of health benefits. It is an excellent source of dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and beta-carotene. Eating a raw sweet potato can help promote healthy cholesterol levels, reduce signs of aging and improve blood sugar balance, as well as boost the immune system and improve digestion.

When preparing a raw sweet potato, make sure to clean it thoroughly and dry it off before peeling or grating it. Store it in a cool, dark and dry place, as refrigerating it can cause it to lose its nutrients. When buying sweet potatoes, opt for ones which are firm and free of blemishes and wilting.

In conclusion, eating a raw sweet potato is an excellent way to get the most nutritional benefits out of this delicious and versatile vegetable. So why not give it a try and add it to your daily diet?