per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 61.2 g
Proteins 4.9 g
Fats 31.3 g
Water 1 g
Sugar 47.9 grams
Fiber 7 grams
Ash 1.7 grams

Dark Chocolate (45-59% Cacao)

546 Calories per 100g

and its health benefits

Dark chocolate is a type of chocolate with cacao content ranging from 45-59%. It has become increasingly popular in recent years, not only for its unique flavor but also for its many health benefits. While it may not offer the same intense sweetness as milk chocolate, dark chocolate is gaining recognition as a super food.

One of the most important components of dark chocolate is its cocoa content. Cocoa, a major component of dark chocolate, is made from the seed of the cacao tree. Just one serving of dark chocolate (1 square of a 100-gram bar) can provide 11-14 grams of cocoa. Cocoa is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-venom properties. This means it can protect the body from disease-causing molecules, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and even promote healthy digestion.

Dark chocolate also contains minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron, which are essential for human health. Magnesium helps to relax muscles and nerve cells, while zinc helps regulate hormones, boosts the immune system, and strengthens bones. Iron is essential for healthy red blood cells and healthy cell growth and development. Dark chocolate is also high in fiber, containing 3-10 grams per bar. This can help reduce cholesterol, support healthy digestion, and regulate blood sugar levels.

Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids, which are plant-based antioxidants that scavenge free radicals in the body. These free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which is linked to heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. By decreasing free radical damage, flavonoids can help reduce the risk of developing these diseases.

In addition to its nutritional and health benefits, dark chocolate also contains compounds such as endorphins, anandamide, serotonin, and phenylethylamine. Endorphins help promote feelings of pleasure and happiness, anandamide is an anti-convulsant, serotonin helps us to stay calm and relaxed, and phenylethylamine is known to improve mood and energy levels. All of these compounds can help boost mood, energy levels, and mental clarity.

Finally, dark chocolate is well known for its antioxidant properties. It contains several antioxidants, including catechins, proanthocyanidins, quercetin, and epicatechin, which can fight free radical damage in the body and reduce the risk of certain diseases. Research suggests that dark chocolate can also improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing cognitive decline associated with aging.

Despite its many health benefits, consuming dark chocolate (or any type of chocolate) in large quantities can lead to weight gain and other health issues. It is important to remember that dark chocolate is still a high-fat food and should always be consumed in moderation. To maximize health benefits and minimize health risks, practice mindful eating and limit your dark chocolate intake to about one to two ounces per day.

Dark chocolate can make for a delicious and nutritious snack option. Not only does it provide antioxidants, minerals, and other nutrients, it can also help to boost your mood, energy levels, and concentration. The key is to practice mindful eating and remember to enjoy dark chocolate in moderation.