per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 1.4 g
Proteins 13.9 g
Fats 13.3 g
Water 70.4 g
Sugar 0.9 grams
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.1 grams

Goose Egg

185 Calories per 100g

and how to look after them

Geese eggs are a unique type of egg to own and care for, and many people find that their unique qualities make them worth the effort. Whether you’re looking for something more special than chicken eggs or are interested in hatching a gosling, there’s a lot of work that goes into caring for geese eggs. In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about goose eggs, including what they are, how to identify them, and how to properly care for them.

What is a Goose Egg?

A goose egg is an egg laid by a goose. All goose eggs have a thick, hard shell that sets them apart from chicken eggs. They come in various colors, ranging from white to pink, yellow, and even blue-green. Goose eggs are usually larger than chicken eggs and can weigh up to six ounces. While the yolk is usually slightly larger than that of a chicken egg, it will also contain up to twice as much albumen (egg white).

How to Identify a Goose Egg

There are a few visual cues you can use to identify a goose egg. Most significantly, the surface of the shell tends to be quite pitted and grooved. A goose egg will also be larger than a chicken egg, with the circumference coming in at three and a quarter to four and a quarter inches. The size of the egg will also vary depending on the breed of the goose, with greater-bodied geese generally producing larger eggs. The texture of a goose egg is also different than that of a chicken egg - goose eggs are almost glossy and have a waxy appearance to them.

How to Care for Goose Eggs

When it comes to caring for goose eggs, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Most importantly, it’s vital to keep the eggs at a consistent temperature. For best results, maintain temperatures between 37 and 39 degrees Fahrenheit, with an ideal temperature of 38 degrees. It’s also important to keep the eggs safe from any potential threats, as goose eggs are delicate and can easily be damaged if dropped or knocked about.

If you plan to hatch your goose eggs, you’ll need to keep them at a slightly higher temperature - usually around 99.5 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, the eggs must be turned several times daily while in the incubator. Geese eggs require longer incubation time than chicken eggs, usually 33 days. It’s advisable to provide humidified air to the eggs while they incubate. It’s also important to monitor your eggs - if the embryo isn’t developing properly, don’t hesitate to discard the egg.

Once you’ve hatched your goslings, there are still a few steps to consider. It’s best to place the goslings in a brooder where they are protected from any potential drafts, rain, or predators. You should also provide them with a sufficient food supply and make sure to keep their water clean and free from contaminants. It’s also important to monitor the goslings - wild geese don’t fare very well in captivity and can become quite stressed if kept for too long.

In conclusion

Geese eggs are quite fascinating and make for an interesting backyard addition. From identifying a goose egg to properly caring for them once they’re hatched, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to caring for these beautiful eggs. With the right equipment and knowledge, however, geese eggs can make a fascinating addition to any home.