per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 22.4 g
Fats 3.1 g
Water 74.2 g
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.5 grams


123 Calories per 100g

The Wolffish, more commonly known as the sea wolf, is a large, impressive-looking fish that is found in the cold, deep waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The wolffish is admired for its wide range of unique characteristics, including its stout, armored body, prominent teeth, and distinct locomotion. Unusual among other fish species, the wolffish has evolved special adaptations that make it a successful member of the marine community.

The wolffish, scientifically referred to as Anarhichadidae, belong to the family of perciform fishes. They range in size from 2 to 4 feet in length, but the largest of these predatory fish have reached lengths up to 5 feet and have been known to weigh up to 40 pounds. A wolffish’s most notable feature is its thick, armor-like skin, which is composed of hard, overlapping scales that act like a layer of armor-plating, thereby making it difficult for potential predators to take a bite out of. Its physical properties also include a flattened head, which usually measures one third of the total body length and is equipped with several rows of sharp teeth, with the canines extending beyond the others. The wolffish swims side-to-side by undulating its long dorsal and anal fins, allowing it to move quite rapidly.

The diet of the wolffish includes a variety of mollusks, crustaceans, echinoderms, and even some small fish. These fish are ambush predators and typically spend their days in dark underwater crevices and gullies where they can hide and wait for their prey. This species often hunts alone in pairs and is disposed to scavenging carcasses when food is scarce. Its teeth and superior biting power help them to breakdown food, clams, and even crack crab shells.

The wolffish is a long-lived species, capable of reaching up to 20 years of age. Breeding occurs once a year, usually during the spring. Once the female wolffish has laid her eggs, males take over the role of protecting them by building nests and then guarding them until they hatch. After they hatch, they remain in the nest until they become independent. Upon reaching sexual maturity, at around 4 or 5 years of age, the wolffish starts the breeding cycle all over again.

In the days of old, the wolffish was a heavily fished species by native people living in Iceland, Norway, and Lapland, who valued it for its meat, oil, and other biological materials. In recent years, its populations have suffered due to overfishing and its slow growth rate. Wolffish are now listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources as Near Threatened, raising their priority even higher. The decline of this species is concerning, since its importance to the marine environment is considerable. It is a keystone species, meaning that it plays an important role in maintaining its marine ecosystem. Wolffish feed on organisms that clean the seafloor, ensuring stable ecosystem functioning. As these fish decline in population, the risk of contaminating its marine environment becomes higher.

In sum, the wolffish is a unique species, highly recognizable by its armor-like scales and intimidating teeth. Its ability to live in the cold, deep waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans has allowed it to thrive and create an important niche in the marine community. Sadly, its population has been rapidly decreasing due to overfishing, prompting the IUCN to give it a higher priority on the conservation list. Its decline affects other species as well, as it plays an essential role as a keystone predator. All efforts must be made to ensure its well-being, as its absence would be a tremendous loss in the marine environment.