per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 7.7 g
Proteins 0.4 g
Fats 0.3 g
Water 91.4 g
Fiber 1.1 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Cholesterol 0 ug
Ash 0.2 grams


32 Calories per 100g

Acerola, or Malpighia emarginata, is a tropical fruit native to the Caribbean, Central and South America. It is one of the most nutrient-dense fruits in the world and is known for its high concentrations of vitamin C, antioxidant compounds, and other essential vitamins and minerals. Acerola fruit is commonly eaten raw or made into drinks and jams. It is also used in various beauty products and dietary supplements.

Acerola is a small, cherry-like fruit that typically measures from one to two centimeters in size. It has a bright orange or red color when ripe and a yellow or greenish tint when unripe. The inside of the fruit is composed of a creamy texture and contains numerous edible white seeds. Its flavor is often described as having a slightly sour taste, with hints of apple and strawberry.

Perhaps the most notable quality of the Acerola fruit is its high vitamin C content. A single Acerola provides approximately 442 milligrams of vitamin C, which is over seven times the recommended daily amount. This makes Acerola one of the most powerful sources of this essential vitamin, only surpassed by Camu Camu. Vitamin C is essential for many aspects of human health, as it helps to strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, and help the body absorb other nutrients. Not only that, but vitamin C is among the few nutrients that cannot be produced within the body and, therefore, must be obtained from outside foods.

In addition to a high vitamin C content, Acerola is also a rich source of carotenoids, plant pigments that are powerful antioxidants and can help to protect the body from disease-causing free radicals. Acerola is among the top fruits in terms of carotenoid content, containing significantly higher amounts than lemons and oranges.

Acerola is also an excellent source of other essential vitamins and minerals, making it highly nutritious and beneficial for our health. It is rich in vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and provides trace amounts of phosphorus, iron, and sodium.

Beyond its vitamin and mineral content, Acerola has several other health benefits that make it a powerful superfood. These include its anti-inflammatory and anti-viral attributes, its ability to improve cardiovascular health, and its potential to aid in digestive issues, such as constipation, bloating, and indigestion. Furthermore, the fruit’s rich concentration of antioxidants and vitamins may help to reduce the signs of aging and minimize skin damage from environmental stressors.

When it comes to consuming Acerola, there are many options. The fruit can be eaten raw, used to make juices or jams, and added to smoothies, cereal, and other recipes. It can also be taken in supplement form, which is convenient for those who are unable to find fresh Acerola in their area.

In conclusion, Acerola is an incredibly nutritious and beneficial fruit, rich in several essential vitamins and minerals. It is especially notable for its high concentrations of vitamin C, carotenoids, and other antioxidants. Eating Acerola or taking it in supplement form can provide many health benefits, including improved immune function, reduced inflammation, improved cardiovascular health, and even protection against skin damage. In short, Acerola is a powerhouse of nutrition and should be incorporated into any healthy diet.