102 Calories per 100g

Amaranth Grain: Complete Mineral Profile

Amaranth Grain: Considered a good source of minerals?

Yes, amaranth grain is an excellent source of minerals. Amaranth contains high levels of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and copper. It is also a good source of manganese, calcium and selenium. Iron helps to form hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the bloodstream. Magnesium aids in muscle relaxation and is involved in metabolism reactions. Phosphorus helps to maintain bone mineral density and strengthens teeth. Potassium helps to balance fluids within the body and assists with nerve impulses. Zinc plays a role in cell growth and overall immunity. Copper assists with cardiovascular health, energy production and enzyme activities. Manganese acts as an antioxidant and supports bone health. Calcium works to strengthen bones and aid in muscle contraction. Selenium provides antioxidant activity and DNA protection. All of these minerals are important for proper functioning of the human body.