per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 18.7 g
Proteins 3.8 g
Fats 1.6 g
Water 75.2 g
Fiber 2.1 grams
Starch 16.2 grams
Trans Fats 16.2 grams
Cholesterol 16.2 grams
Ash 0.8 grams

Amaranth Grain

102 Calories per 100g

Amaranth grain is an ancient superfood that has recently been rediscovered and become a staple in many health-conscious households. It is an ancient grain that has been a staple in many civilizations since its discovery thousands of years ago. This nutritious superfood is an excellent source of much-needed minerals and vitamins, as well as being high in protein and fiber. It is also known for its unique taste and texture, and its ability to add nutritional value to dishes.

Amaranth is an Annual Plant that is cultivated for its seed, which is a type of seed pseudo-grain, not truly a grain but still classified as such. It is believed to have originated in Mesoamerica and was a staple crop among the Aztec and Maya civilizations. There are now over 60 species of Amaranth growing in many parts of the world and it is also used as a decorative ornamental plant in gardens.

Amaranth grain contains a variety of essential minerals, vitamins and other nutrients required for healthy living. It is low in fat and contains high levels of calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus and copper, in addition to dietary fiber. It is also a good source of magnesium, zinc and selenium, and it contains all nine essential amino acids. It is low glycemic, making it a good choice for those with blood sugar issues, and it contains significant amounts of lysine, an important amino acid that helps rebuild muscle.

Amaranth grain is often used in a number of different dishes and can be incorporated into meals in a variety of ways. It can be cooked in a similar way to rice or other grains, or even in porridge for a nutritious breakfast. Amaranth grain can also be used for baking bread, oats, hot cereal and pilafs. It takes less time to cook than traditional grains and has a unique, nutty flavor and texture that ads depth to many dishes. This superfood can also be eaten raw, as a snack, or as a topping to salads and smoothies.

When shopping for Amaranth grain, it’s important to look for whole-grain varieties, as these are the most nutrient dense. Amaranth grain can be found in most grocery stores, health food stores and online. Always look for organic varieties, as some non-organic varieties may be contaminated with pesticides. Additionally, look for unprocessed seeds, as they preserve higher amounts of nutrients and vitamins.

Amaranth grain is a healthful and nutritious addition to any diet. Its unique flavor and texture can add an array of nutritional value to many dishes. It is also growing in popularity and is becoming more widely available in grocery stores, health food stores and online. Whether you are looking to add a new source of nutrients to your diet or just looking for something a bit different, Amaranth grain is the perfect choice.