35 Calories per 100g

Cooked Broccoli: Complete Vitamin Profile

Cooked Broccoli: Considered a good source of vitamins?

Cooked broccoli is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, making it a great addition to any diet. It contains vitamin C (which helps protect against immune system deficiencies and also aids in iron absorption), vitamin K which helps prevent blood clots and maintain healthy bones, as well as potassium and magnesium which help regulate muscle contractions. Additionally, cooked broccoli provides a good dose of dietary fiber which can aid digestion, help maintain regular bowel movements, and even lower cholesterol levels. As if that weren't enough, broccoli contains several antioxidant compounds—including lutein(a form of vitamin A) and beta-carotene—that may play a role in protecting cells from damage due to environmental stressors like ultraviolet radiation, toxins, and other forms of pollution. So overall, cooked broccoli is definitely a good source of vitamins and nutrients!