per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 6.7 g
Proteins 1.8 g
Fats 0.1 g
Water 90.3 g
Sugar 2.8 grams
Fiber 1.1 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 1.1 grams

Cooked Kohlrabi

29 Calories per 100g

Kohlrabi is a cruciferous vegetable that has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its mild flavor and unique texture. Cooked kohlrabi is an excellent, nutrient-rich addition to any meal and can be prepared in a variety of delicious and creative ways. In this article, we’ll look at what cooked kohlrabi is and the possible ways it can be used in a meal.

Cooked kohlrabi is a great alternative to potatoes or other root vegetables when it comes to adding flavor and texture to a dish. While it is related to cabbage and turnips, cooking kohlrabi softens the flesh and mellows out some of its more pungent flavors. The vegetable can be cut up into small cubes and added to soups and stews, chopped up and sautéed with some garlic and onions, or even served raw in a crunchy salad.

Kohlrabi has a mild, slightly sweet flavor that becomes earthier and nuttier with cooking. It is also high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium, making it a great choice for those looking for a nutritious side dish. Because of its thick skin, it’s best to peel away the outer layer before cooking, though keeping some of the skin on gives the vegetable an interesting texture and color.

When it comes to cooking kohlrabi, roasting is one of the most popular methods due to how it intensifies the sweetness and nutty flavor. To prepare, simply cut the kohlrabi into cubes, season with your favorite herbs and spices, and then roast at a high temperature until they are golden brown and tender. Roasted kohlrabi can be served as a side dish, topped with a drizzle of olive oil, or mixed into salads for some extra crunch.

Sautéing kohlrabi is another great way to prepare it and takes far less time than roasting. Simply combined pre-cut pieces of kohlrabi with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and other seasonings in a pan and cook for about 8-10 minutes until tender. You can also add diced onions and garlic for extra flavor or drizzle a bit of white wine or vegetable broth to give the dish some moisture. Sautéed kohlrabi can be served as a side, mashed up and served as a “mashed potato” type dish, or even added to tacos and burritos.

Kohlrabi can also be boiled, steamed, grilled, or chopped into thin strips and stir-fried. No matter which cooking method you choose, the key is to not overcook the vegetable so it still retains some of its crunch and texture.

Finally, cooked kohlrabi can be used to make tasty and interesting appetizers and snacks. It can be sliced into slivers and roasted to make crispy chips or diced and baked into a cheesy quiche or tart. It can also be blended into soups or pureed and used as a dip or spread.

Overall, kohlrabi is a versatile vegetable that can be cooked in a number of delicious and creative ways. Its mild flavor and unique texture make it an appealing addition to many dishes, from soups and stews to tacos and roasted chips. With so many possible ways to prepare it, why not give cooked kohlrabi a try?