per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 16.8 g
Fats 1.2 g
Water 79.4 g
Sugar 0 ug
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.2 grams


82 Calories per 100g

and the role it plays in the environment

What is a Crayfish?

Crayfish are typically freshwater crustaceans. They are also sometimes referred to as crawfish, crawdads, freshwater lobsters, mountain lobsters, mudbugs, or yabbies. These creatures are highly abundant, with more than 500 existing species around the world.

While they usually measure just a few inches in length, crayfish can be found in pretty much any body of water, from lakes and streams to swamps and creeks. They are typically nocturnal, hiding in the dark during the day and coming out to feed during the night.

Crayfish Anatomy

The crayfish anatomy consists of a series of hard, jointed, overlapping plates that make up the upper shell, or carapace, which includes its legs, claws, and tail. The foundational pieces of the exoskeleton consist of chitin, a substance made up mostly of organic matter. The crayfish also has a single walking leg in front of the claws, and some species have large, powerful claws for attacking prey.

Internally, a crayfish has a series of organs like a stomach, alimentary canal, intestines, and small bladder near the hind quarters. It also features five pairs of appendages located below the carapace. Lastly, a crayfish has a pair of antennae used primarily to sense its environment and filter out particles from the water.


When a crayfish aquires food, it will process it using its mandibles then pass it to its mouthparts where it is further chewed and then sent through the digestive system. When threatened, a crayfish will opt for running away rather than trying to fight due to their slow movement. For self-defense, they can use their sharp claws to crack the shells of their enemies.

In addition, crayfish are capable of making noises and building burrows in the muddy ground, allowing them to hide from predators and safety store food. They can also use the burrows for hibernation in colder weather. Some species of crayfish have been known to migrate in packs over short distances in search of food or optimal pond conditions.

Role in the Environment

Crayfish are important to freshwater systems because they provide many services to their ecosystem. They are traditionally regarded as an important source of food for other species of animals and play an integral role in cycling food, energy, and nutrients throughout the system.

Crayfish also ‘biodigest’ organic matter, breaking it down into components that can be used by other organisms. By breaking down the organic matter, they help to make the water more habitable by eliminating excessive levels of organic compounds like nitrogen that can otherwise disrupt local ecosystems.

In addition, crayfish are known to be efficient engineers in aquatic ecosystems due to the webs of tunnels and burrows they create throughout the mud and sands of their habitats. These tunnels serve as homes and protection for other species at the bottom of the food chain and they can also increase the stability of riverbanks and other water bodies.

Overall, crayfish are an important part of local freshwater ecology and an important food source for other species. Without them, the system would struggle to regulate its ecological imbalance and may even become damaged. It is for this reason why crayfish are often carefully managed in certain areas to ensure their wellbeing.