per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 1.6 g
Proteins 32.5 g
Fats 1.4 g
Water 61.1 g
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 3.4 grams


158 Calories per 100g

A Cuttlefish is a remarkable and unique creature that has captivated people for centuries. It looks like a squid but is actually a mollusk, a soft-bodied invertebrate with a thick shell. Cuttlefish belong to class Cephalopoda, which also includes squid, octopus and nautilus. Like many marine creatures, they inhabit the depths of the ocean, and they have a variety of behaviors and adaptations that make them interesting and fascinating to study.

Cuttlefish are easily recognizable, due in part to their unique shape. They have a broad body, two long tentacles, and eight shorter arms that all radiate from a central point. This point is called the cuttlebone, and it functions as a kind of internal skeleton for the cuttlefish. All of these appendages are used for swimming and manipulating objects, and the tentacles are even used to snatch prey from the water.

The cuttlefish uses its fins to propel itself through the water and navigate. Its eyes, however, are among its most impressive features. They are highly specialized and allow the cuttlefish to see in low light levels and detect movement. The eyes are situated at the top of the head and can be independently rotated and focused. This allows the cuttlefish to focus on objects at different distances and identify potential prey or predators.

Cuttlefish may not look particularly strong, but in fact, they are one of the most powerful predators in the ocean. They use their eight arms to seize prey, and their specialized beak-like jaws to crush them. Once an object has been captured, the cuttlefish can shoot out a jet of water to sense its chemical composition and determine if it’s safe to eat. Cuttlefish also have a powerful bite and can crush the shells of mollusks and crustaceans.

In addition to their hunting tactics, many species of cuttlefish also feature unique display behaviors. One spectacular example is color changing, or chromatic signaling. Cuttlefish use pigmented cells in their skin to produce a vast array of colors and patterns. These visual signals are used to express emotions, such as warning or arousal, or to attract mates. This is a truly remarkable process and it is one of the ways in which cuttlefish demonstrate their sophistication and intelligence.

Another interesting trait of the cuttlefish is their high intelligence. Despite the fact that they lack a backbone, they are remarkably well-adapted to their environment and have been known to use tools and solve complex problems. They are also known to have good memories and can recognize individuals from their past encounters.

The cuttlefish has been studied by scientists for centuries. Although much has been learned about this creature, there is still much to discover about its behavior and adaptations. It is a complicated and fascinating animal, and one that deserves our admiration and respect.