per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 24.9 g
Fats 1.3 g
Water 72 g
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.8 grams


118 Calories per 100g

A Pollock is a type of fish that is found primarily in large bodies of water in different parts of the world. Pollocks are most commonly found in the North Atlantic and the Pacific, with the majority of their population being concentrated in the North Sea. Pollocks have a mild, slightly sweet flavor and a high fat content, making them a popular choice among chefs and consumers alike. They are often served fresh, canned, smoked, or frozen and can be cooked in a variety of ways, such as baked, broiled, grilled, and fried.

In terms of appearance, Pollocks typically have an elongated body and can be distinguished from other similar species by their bright, iridescent coloring that is predominantly silver and blue. Pollocks are also marked by two barbel-like antennae near their gills and two large fins at the rear of their body. These fins, called pelvic fins, extend outward and are widely used to propel them swiftly through the water. Pollocks can reach lengths of up to 75 cm and can weigh up to 6 kg.

When it comes to diet and behavior, Pollocks prefer to feed on a variety of small species such as plankton, shrimp and small fish. They typically form large schools in order to increase their protection against predators. Unlike other species, Pollocks are known to spawn more than once in a year, which gives them a greater chance of survival in their habitat.

The spawning season for Pollocks usually begins in early summer and can last up to 4 months, during which time they will travel thousands of kilometers in order to reach their spawning grounds. Once they arrive, the males will prepare nests by digging in the sand. Females then come to the males and lay their eggs in the nests. After the eggs are laid, the male will cover the nest with sand, which helps to regulate the temperature and oxygen levels for the eggs. The incubation period for Pollocks is about two weeks, after which time the eggs will hatch and the larvae will emerge.

Once the larvae reach a certain size and age, they become adults and are able to reproduce. Pollocks are capable of reaching sexual maturity in as little as one year and can live up to 15 years in the wild.

Pollocks have great commercial significance due to their abundance in the oceans and their versatility as a fish. They are harvested for a variety of uses, including consumption, fishmeal, and bait, as well as for their oil and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also often used in the seafood industry for their high oil and protein content.

Overall, Pollocks are an important and versatile fish that are widely consumed and harvested by humans. Although their population is still healthy in many locations, Pollocks are facing growing threats from overfishing and other human activities. Therefore, it is important to practice sustainable fishing techniques in order to ensure the protection and stability of this species.