per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 22.1 g
Proteins 9 g
Fats 0.6 g
Water 67.3 g
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 1 grams

Lentil Sprouts

106 Calories per 100g

Lentil sprouts have grown in popularity for their nutritional content and versatility in cooking. Lentil sprouts are small fragments of germinated lentils, usually picked when they’re about an inch long. Lentil sprouts are popular in many Indian and Middle Eastern dishes because of their mild, sweet flavor. With their subtle taste, lentil sprouts can add a unique texture to salads, wraps, sandwiches, soups, and other meals.

Growing lentil sprouts is easy, requiring minimal effort and attention to get a tender crop. Lentils, like most legumes, need to be soaked prior to sprouting. To sprout one cup of lentils, begin by putting them into a colander or strainer and rinsing them thoroughly with cold water. Next, put the lentils in an airtight container, pour in three times as much cold water as there are lentils, and then let them soak overnight at room temperature. It’s important to not let them soak too long, as they may become bitter. After soaking, drain out the majority of the water and put the container somewhere warm to promote sprouting. A kitchen counter or place near a sunny window is a great place to start.

Once the lentils begin to sprout, which can take two to three days, they need to be rinsed several times throughout the day. Keep rinsing them until the tail shoots are completely removed—this will take between four to nine days, depending on the type of lentils and the amount of sun they get. Once the lentils are sprouted, they can be stored in the fridge for several days before being cooked.

When it comes to cooking with lentil sprouts, there are many options for jazzing up simple dishes. Lentil sprouts can be cooked into soups, casseroles, and stir-fries. They can also be added to salads and wraps for a little bit of extra crunch and nutrition. Best yet, lentil sprouts cook quickly, making them the perfect time-saver for a busy weeknight meal.

For a warm and comforting soup, try simmering lentil sprouts in a savory vegetable and herb broth. For a simple salad side, combine lentil sprouts with diced avocado, diced tomato, and lime juice for a tangy and flavourful combination.

Lentil sprouts are a nutritional powerhouse. They’re low in fat and calories, but rich in dietary fibre, iron, magnesium, and folate. Lentils are also rich in protein, making them a great substitue for traditional animal-based protein like red meat or poultry.

In addition to their nutritional content, lentil sprouts can be sourced easily and affordably. They’re typically available in the bulk section of health food stores and will keep for about a week in the refrigerator.

Lentil sprouts are a surprisingly versatile ingredient with a mild taste, low calorie count, and high nutritional content. Whether you’re looking to add texture to a dish, replace animal protein, or just need something to jazz up your cooking, lentil sprouts are definitely worth exploring.