5 Calories per 100g

Monster Energy Drink: Complete Mineral Profile

Monster Energy Drink: Considered a good source of minerals?

No, Monster Energy drink is not a good source of minerals. While the beverage does contain some minerals in small amounts (such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium), they are typically overshadowed by high levels of sugar and caffeine. The moderately high amounts of potassium may appear beneficial on the surface; however, it is important to remember that the majority of this comes from added salt rather than a naturally-occurring mineral. This throws off your body’s electrolytes which can be dangerous over time—especially for those who have hypertension or kidney disease. Furthermore, other minerals are hardly present at all. In conclusion, consuming Monster Energy drinks to get significant amounts of minerals does more harm than good due to its highly processed ingredients combined with synthetic additives. You would benefit more from an array of healthy foods that are rich in these essential nutrients.