per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 11.9 g
Proteins 1.2 g
Fats 0.7 g
Water 85.8 g
Fiber 6.5 grams
Starch 0 ug
Trans Fats 0 ug
Cholesterol 0 ug
Ash 0.5 grams


52 Calories per 100g

Raspberries are an edible fruit that is found across the world, and they have been part of the human diet since ancient times. While the sweet, tart flavor is familiar to many, not everyone is aware of the versatility and nutrition that raspberries offer. Here’s a quick look at what makes this fruit so beloved.

Raspberries belong to the genus Rubus and are a member of the rose family. The most popular type is the red raspberry, but there are other variations as well, including black, golden, purple, and orange raspberries. They are small, yet plump, and have a hollow center that contains many miniscule edible and nutritious seeds. Raspberries have an irregular, conical shape and a skin that has a delicate, slightly hairy texture.

Wild raspberries are the original source for this fruit, but the modern raspberry can trace its roots to purposeful breeding and cultivation that began in Europe during the Middle Ages. Hops and sugar are often added to cultivated raspberries, enhancing the taste and improving shelf life. Unlike other fruit, raspberries generally do not need to ripen before they are eaten. This makes them a versatile addition to many dishes.

The nutritional benefits of raspberries are more impressive than the taste. They are a low-calorie food and contain generous amounts of fiber and vitamins C and K, both essential for a healthy diet. Raspberries also contain disease-fighting antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which give the ripe fruits their red color.

Raspberries are an excellent source of manganese, potassium and magnesium. They are thought to be beneficial to those with cardiovascular health concerns, as eating raspberries can reduce bad cholesterol levels, decrease stroke risk and improve overall heart health. Studies have also found that consumption of raspberries can reduce some cancer risks, such as colon, lung, and stomach cancer.

In terms of taste, red raspberries are sweet, but there is still a tartness to them. Depending on the variety, they can be slightly sour as well. Their flavor is best enjoyed fresh, when they are at their most ripe, but they can also be processed in various ways. For example, raspberry juice can be extracted and sweetened, then served or canned. Alternatively, frozen raspberries can be used to make many different types of desserts, from jams and jellies to pies and tarts.

When it comes to storing raspberries, the most important thing is to get them in the refrigerator as soon as you can, as they will quickly start to deteriorate at room temperature. Fresh raspberries should last around 5 days in the fridge, if stored correctly. Frozen raspberries can be kept for up to a year if stored in an airtight container.

In conclusion, raspberries are a beloved fruit that have been around since ancient times. Thanks to their sweet, tart flavor and impressive nutritional benefits, they are very versatile and can be eaten fresh or used in a variety of recipes. Coupled with the fact that they are easy to store, it’s no wonder that raspberries remain a popular choice among fruit lovers.