52 Calories per 100g

Raw Egg White: Complete Mineral Profile

Raw Egg White: Considered a good source of minerals?

Raw egg white is not a good source of minerals. Although it does contain some essential elements, the amount present in raw egg whites is too low to have any notable health benefits when consumed as part of a regular diet. Egg whites are nearly all water and protein with very few carbohydrates or fats, so they don't provide much in terms of minerals. They do contain trace amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and chloride, but these tend to be lower than other commonly eaten foods. Eating cooked eggs does provide more minerals because many of the nutrients are increased during cooking. In addition, eating cooked eggs also helps to reduce the risk of food-borne illnesses that can come from consuming raw eggs, such as salmonella. Therefore, for those concerned about nutritional intake, cooked eggs would be a better choice over raw egg whites.