52 Calories per 100g

Raw Egg White: Complete Lipids and Fats Profile

Raw Egg White: Considered a quality source of lipids?

No, raw egg white is not a good source of sugars. Egg whites contain primarily protein and have very little sugar content, with only 0.06 grams per authentic serving size of 1 small egg. Raw egg whites are almost entirely composed of proteins such as albumin and ovotransferrin, which do not provide much energy beyond helping to build and maintain the body's structure. The yolk contains most of the egg’s carbohydrate in the form of about 0.5 g of simple sugars, mainly glucose. Additionally, egg whites contain lysine and arginine, two amino acids that act as precursors to other compounds important for insulin production, gluconeogenesis and energy metabolism; these are essential components of any healthy diet. In summary, while raw egg whites are an excellent source of high-quality dietary protein they should not be relied on as a source of carbohydrates or sugars.