310 Calories per 100g

Sugar Substitute (agave Syrup): Complete Vitamin Profile

Sugar Substitute (agave Syrup): Considered a good source of vitamins?

No, agave syrup is not a good source of vitamins. It contains only trace amounts of some B-vitamins and none of the fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, or K. In addition, its sweet taste comes from high levels of fructose (fruit sugar) which may be linked to an increased risk for insulin resistance, hypertension, and other metabolic diseases when consumed in excess.

Agave may have a lower glycemic index than table sugar; however, it contains more calories per spoonful than plain white sugar. This means that if you are trying to count calories, dieters should generally avoid eating agave syrup as it can still contribute significantly to caloric intake. Nutrient-wise, agave syrup does not provide any real benefits over regular sugar.