11 Calories per 100g

Watercress: Complete Mineral Profile

Watercress: Considered a good source of minerals?

Yes, watercress is an excellent source of minerals. It's packed with important nutrients such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Perhaps its most important mineral contribution is calcium; just one cup contains almost a fifth of the recommended daily intake for adults, making it a great way to help meet your calcium needs without having to consume dairy products. Watercress can also promote bone health because of its high vitamin K content. Vitamin K helps the body absorb and use calcium better, while phosphorus in watercress lends further bone-strengthening benefits. The abundance of iron in watercress translates into better energy levels, thanks to increased oxygen delivery throughout the body, while zinc helps balance hormones, regulate appetite, and build immunity against illness and infection. Potassium supports nerve transmission, healthy muscles, and cardiovascular health. Magnesium is also beneficial for blood pressure regulation, energy production, and protein synthesis. Finally, small but mighty amounts of selenium present in watercress can protect cells from damage caused by toxins and promote thyroid function. All these essential minerals provide myriad health benefits and are part of what make watercress such a popular superfood.