per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 13.8 g
Proteins 75.2 g
Fats 1.9 g
Water 8.2 g
Sugar 0 ug
Fiber 0.6 grams
Ash 1 grams

Wheat Gluten

370 Calories per 100g

, and how to use it

Recently, more people are ditching out on traditional proteins, such as red meat, chicken and fish, and opting for something a bit less obvious. Plant-based proteins, such as quinoa and chia, have become mainstream and it looks like wheat gluten could be the latest entry into the plant-based protein race.

What is wheat gluten?

Wheat gluten is a protein that is extracted from wheat flour through a process of hydration and kneading. It is essentially just the protein content in wheat flour that is remaining after the starch is removed. It is essentially the same thing as seitan, which is a vegan mock “meat” made out of wheat gluten. Wheat gluten is high in protein and low in fat, making it an ideal plant-based protein alternative.

The main benefits of wheat gluten are its high concentration of protein, its versatility in the kitchen, and its affordability. In terms of lightness and flavor, wheat gluten is very similar to meat, making it an excellent replacement for a vegetarian diet. Wheat gluten is also full of essential amino acids that are important for maintaining overall health and well-being.

How to use wheat gluten

Using wheat gluten is actually quite easy. It usually comes in the form of a dry powder, making it ideal for storing in your pantry and throwing together meals quickly. Wheat gluten is easy to use and very versatile in the kitchen.

The most common way to use wheat gluten is by mixing it with some sort of liquid and creating a dough. This dough can then be cooked, steamed, boiled, or baked in any variety of recipes. Wheat gluten can be used in stir-fries, soups, stews, curries, and also as a vegan replacement for hamburgers and other classic dishes.

It is important to note that wheat gluten should not be consumed raw and it should be cooked before eating. This is because when it is raw, the concentration of gluten proteins can be hard to digest and the resulting product can have a bitter flavor. When cooked, however, the gluten proteins are broken down, making it easier to digest.

Another great way to use wheat gluten is to mix it into meals like soups and stews. It adds a bit of texture and thickens the soup, making it a satisfying meal. You can also fry it in a pan as a replacement for minced beef, or shape it into vegetable steaks that can be grilled and served with sides.


Wheat gluten is a great option for those looking to get a bit creative with their plant-based meals. It’s high in protein, low in fat and packed with essential amino acids. Plus, it’s incredibly versatile and can be used in a range of dishes, whether in its dried powder form, or mixed with a liquid to create a dough. With some creativity, wheat gluten can become a delicious vegan meal that will leave you feeling full and satisfied.