per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 23.7 g
Fats 15 g
Water 59.3 g
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.8 grams


236 Calories per 100g

, its characteristics and its importance

An eel is a long, snake-like, aquatic creature that can be found in both fresh and saltwater, mostly inhabiting subtropical and tropical regions of the world. The eel is known for its long, slender body and lack of scales, and swimming by undulating its body. There are around 700 different species of eel, with many living and thriving among us humans, both in the wild and in our aquariums.

The physical characteristics of eels vary greatly between species, but all eels share several common features, most of which are aimed at helping them survive in the wild and finding their prey. One of the most recognizable features of eels is their long bodies, which can range anywhere from 10 centimeters in the swamp eeel, to over four meters in length with the giant mottled eel. Another physical trait is their lack of scales, instead being covered in slimy skin instead, which helps them to stay highly flexible and maneuverable in the water. To help in their sense of sight and tracking of food, eels also have well-developed eyes.

Eels can be found everywhere from streams, rivers, estuaries, and lakes, all the way to the abyssal depths of the ocean, although the most popular eels are the marine ones, thanks to the fact that they’re more abundant than freshwater eels. It’s believed that the migration patterns of eels depend greatly on their species, with some eels travelling coastal lines and some venturing into deep waters great distances away from their inhabited areas.

In terms of eating habits, eels are incredibly diverse, and the menu can change depending on the species. Most freshwater species feed mainly on insects, mollusks, crustaceans and other smaller fishes, while many saltwater species tend to go after bigger prey such as octopus and other larger fish. The eel’s jaw structure is incredibly unique as well, featuring powerful forward-pointing teeth that can grab onto their prey and draw it closer to the eel’s mouth.

When it comes to reproduction, eels employ an extremely interesting strategy. Before they breed, the adult eel will return to the same body of water it was born in, undergoing large physical changes to prepare itself for the trip, like thickening its skin and adapting its body composition. Then, in the months leading up to spawning, the eel will jump into the ocean and mate with other eels in the center of the ocean, in a phenomena referred to as “congregating”. After breeding and laying its eggs, the adult eels will die, leaving their young to swim upstream and inhabit their birthplaces, continuing the cycle.

Eels play a critical role in the health of aquatic environments, whether they inhabit marine waters or rivers and lakes. Upstream eels are important because they support a balanced food chain, consuming smaller fish and insects while providing larger predators with food, and helping keep ecosystems delicately balanced. In the marine environment, saltwater eels are vital, because they eat and recycle dead organic matter and detritus on the ocean floor, helping the environment clean itself.

With their diets, migration paths, and various forms of reproduction, the eel is one of the most fascinating aquatic animals of our time. While we may not always be able to appreciate their behavior from up close, their efforts are evident in the cleanliness, complexity, and elegance of aquatic environments around the world.