per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 76.9 g
Proteins 6.9 g
Fats 3.9 g
Water 10.9 g
Sugar 0.6 grams
Fiber 7.3 grams
Ash 1.5 grams

Whole Grain Corn Flour

361 Calories per 100g

Whole grain corn flour is a type of flour made by grinding the entire corn kernel into a fine powder. This flour is known for its robust flavor and nutrient-rich qualities that make it a great choice for baking and cooking.

Corn kernels consist of four parts - the germ, bran, endosperm, and hull. When ground into a flour, all of these components are preserved, meaning that the entire kernel is ingested as part of a meal or snack. This provides an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that would normally be lost during other milling processes. By consuming the entire grain, these nutritional perks remain intact and provide an array of health benefits.

Whole grain corn flour is considered to be whole grain because it contains all three parts of the grain - the germ, bran, and endosperm. The germ contains essential fatty acids, proteins, minerals and vitamins, the bran provides vitamins B and E, dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants, and the endosperm is a starchy portion which provides carbohydrates and a small amount of protein. By preserving the nutritious portions of the grain, the flour is more nutritious than degermed and enriched flours, which removes these vital components.

Whole grain corn flour is versatile, meaning that it can be used in a variety of recipes, from sweet to savory to bake goods. Depending on the intended dish, the amount of the flour used may need to be adjusted due to its potent flavor. When substituting other types of flours, half and half might be a good starting option. Because of its robust flavor, it can add a pleasant aroma and flavor to a dish. When used in pancakes, muffins, or cakes, this flour adds a unique and complex flavor to the finished product.

This flour can also be used in many savory dishes such as tortillas, tamales, and tacos. The dough for these preparations typically relies upon corn flour as the main ingredient, providing much needed stretch and structure without taking away from the flavor. When used as a thickener in soups and sauces, the flour adds a unique earthy and nutty flavor.

In addition to its delicious taste, there are many nutritional benefits of whole grain corn flour. Corn is considered to be a powerhouse of nutritional value, being an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats which are necessary for a balanced diet. Since the whole corn kernel is used, the complex carbohydrates found therein will provide longer lasting energy as compared to refined white flour. The antioxidants present in the germ are known to reduce inflammation and can be beneficial to those suffering from chronic ailments. In addition, this flour is naturally gluten free, making it the perfect choice for people with celiac disease or other gluten-related disorders.

Whole grain corn flour is an excellent option for those wishing to incorporate more healthful and nutrient-rich ingredients into their diet. It can be used in a variety of recipes, from savory to sweet, and provides an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Of course, many other types of flour exist and any one of them can yield fantastic results in the kitchen. However, due to its flavor profile and nutritional benefits, whole grain corn flour is definitely worth considering when searching for a more wholesome ingredient.