per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 20.4 g
Fats 0.3 g
Water 78.4 g
Trans Fats 0 ug
Ash 1.3 grams


84 Calories per 100g

A cod is a type of fish that is widely consumed all over the world. Cods are appreciated for their white, firm, mild-tasting flesh that can quickly be cooked for a variety of dishes. While the word “cod” is often used to refer to other types of fish such as haddock, pollock and hake, true cod has its own unique set of characteristics. So, what is a cod and what makes it so special?

A Cod’s Characteristics

A cod belongs to the genus Gadus, a group of large-bodied members of the cod family. They typically reach lengths of up to five feet and weigh up to 113 pounds. Cods are recognizable by their flattened body, smooth skin and three separate fins along their back. They also have an oval-shaped head with a protruding lower jaw and an upper jaw with three whisker-like barbels. Cods feature a distinctive checkerboard pattern on their backs, which is where they get their name.

Where Do You Find Cod?

Cod is found along the Atlantic Ocean from Norway and Iceland down to Morocco. Cods also populate the waters of the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea. Cods are considered an “ocean” fish, meaning they prefer temperatures around 0-8 degrees Celsius. If their environment grows too warm, cods have been known to move further north in search of cooler waters.

Cods Thrive in School

Cods are pack animals, meaning they are almost always found traveling in large schools. These schools may take up the entire width of a river or sea and house hundreds of thousands of cods. Schools form in order to increase protection, as the sheer number of cods allows them to blend in with their environment and makes it harder for predators to find them.

Diet of a Cod

Cods have a wide variety of prey they feed on, including small fish, crustaceans, and worms. In the wild, cods will chase after their prey until they catch it. In their natural habitat, cods can eat up to seven times their own body weight in a single day.

How to Catch a Cod

People have been fishing for cods for hundreds of years, using baited fishing lines and nets. Cods can also be “trawled” using large nets pulled by boats. Today, trawling is a popular method for catching cods; however, it is also criticized for resulting in bycatch – the unintended capture of unwanted species.

What’s the Best Way To Cook A Cod?

Cods are considered a delicacy and are one of the most versatile fish for cooking. Cods are most often filleted and can be quickly cooked using a variety of preparation techniques. Depending on the recipe, cods can be fried, baked, broiled, grilled and poached. This mild-tasting fish pairs well with bold flavors like citrus, tarragon and capers, making it a perfect candidate for your next seafood meal.

In Summary

Cods are a type of fish found around the world’s cold and temperate oceans. They feature white, firm, mild-tasting flesh that pairs well with bold flavors like citrus, tarragon and capers, making them a popular choice for seafood aficionados. Cods are usually found in large schools and are most often caught with nets or fishing lines. Cod can quickly be cooked for a variety of dishes, making it one of the most versatile fish to serve.