69 Calories per 100g

Goat Milk: Complete Vitamin Profile

Goat Milk: Considered a good source of vitamins?

Yes, goat milk is a good source of vitamins. It contains many vitamins necessary for health and growth. For example, it contains more vitamin A than cow’s milk (on a per-gram basis) which is beneficial for vision health. In addition, goat milk also provides higher amounts of B12, folate and niacin when compared to cow’s milk. These B vitamins are essential for the body’s metabolism and energy production. The greater amount of B12 in goat milk also makes it particularly good for pregnant women or those who have difficulty absorbing this nutrient from other sources. Furthermore, goat milk has slightly more calcium than cow's milk, making a great contribution to bone health and strength. Other minerals —such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese and selenium—are also present and are important for normal metabolic processes. Finally, goat milk provides omega-3 fatty acids that can enhance brain health and may even help decrease inflammation in the body