per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 27.2 g
Proteins 20.2 g
Fats 45.3 g
Water 4.4 g
Fiber 10.6 grams
Starch 1.7 grams
Trans Fats 0 ug
Cholesterol 1.7 ug
Ash 3 grams

Pistachio Nuts

560 Calories per 100g


Pistachio Nuts: A Nut for All Seasons

The pistachio nut is one of the most popular nuts worldwide. With its distinct green color and creamy texture, it’s a delicious snack and a great addition to salads, desserts, and a whole range of Asian and Mediterranean dishes. While the humble nut is often overlooked, it is one of nature’s little gems, filling our bellies with protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

What is a Pistachio Nut?

Pistachio nuts are the edible seeds of the pistachio tree, which is native to the Middle East and Southern Asia. Though the original variety was native to Iran and Iraq, they were later transplanted to places like Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, and the United States. The fruit looks like a drupe—a fleshy fruit with a large central stone inside—and is technically known as a pseudodrupe.

Pistachio trees grow in warm, arid climates and can reach heights of up to 16 feet tall. The trees typically take around seven years to start producing edible fruit, although this can vary depending on the type of tree. They produce an edible seed from a yellow or pinkish unripe drupe, but it must be harvested to reveal the well-known green kernel.

Types of Pistachio Nuts

There are a few different types of pistachio nuts, each one exhibiting its own characteristics. Generally, there is the Iranian or Central Asian variety, which is the most popular and widely used for commercial purposes. This type is bigger and the shell is easier to open. Then you have the Mediterranean variety from countries like Spain, Greece and Syria. This type is smaller and the shell is much harder to open.

Health Benefits of Pistachio Nuts

The pistachio nut is packed full of essential vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. They are a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and help prevent coronary heart disease. They’re also a great source of plant-based proteins, dietary fibre, B-vitamins, and zinc.

Their high levels of vitamin A, E and C can also be beneficial for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A, for example, helps you maintain good vision, while vitamin E promotes healthy cell development. Their potassium content helps to regulate fluid levels, while the magnesium can help support bone strength. They are also low in saturated fat and are cholesterol-free, making them the ideal snack for people with healthy hearts.

Potential Benefits

Alongside their nutritional benefits, pistachio nuts are being noted for their potential to help with weight management. Studies show that consuming a moderate portion of pistachios can help control appetite, while helping us feel fuller for longer. They’re also high in protein and fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar levels and aid digestion.

Eating Pistachio Nuts

While the pistachio nut is a healthy and nutritious snack, it is important to note that they can be high in calories. A 1-ounce portion contains around 160 calories, so it is important to limit the amount eaten in order to maintain a balanced diet. However, when consumed in moderation, the pistachio nut is one of nature’s super food snacks.

As well as being a delicious snack, pistachio nuts can also be used in a variety of recipes. They’re a popular addition to salads, stir-fries, cakes, and even barbecued dishes. But if you’re looking for a truly indulgent treat, look no further than a creamy pistachio ice cream!

In conclusion, whether you’re looking for a healthy and nutritious snack, or just a delicious treat to tantalize your taste buds, the pistachio nut is the perfect nut for all seasons. Packed with vitamins and minerals, and offering great potential to balance your diet, it is an excellent addition to any meal. So, if you’re looking for a little something extra, why not give the humble pistachio nut a try?