197 Calories per 100g

Rabbit Meat: Complete Mineral Profile

Rabbit Meat: Considered a good source of minerals?

Rabbit meat is a good source of minerals, as it contains substantial amounts of important minerals including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and selenium. The highest concentrations are typically found in the liver, but other organs such as the heart and kidneys also contain noticeable levels.

Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, steadies heartbeat rhythm and keeps bones strong. As an electrolyte mineral, magnesium regulates water balance in cells, aids digestion and metabolism, and influences calcium, copper and zinc absorption into body tissues. It’s involved with over 300 biochemical processes, making it one of the most important minerals needed for overall human health.

Phosphorus main role is to form healthy teeth and bones. It also is necessary for energy production and storage in the body, besides helping muscles contract, aiding transmission of nerve signals, producing genetic material and controlling acid–base balance.

Potassium helps regulate fluid balance throughout the body and maintains healthy blood pressure. Potassium works together with sodium to help the kidneys control water balance. Because it helps the heart and circulatory system work properly, potassium can reduce chances of stroke and heart disease. Plus, it helps support nerve transmissions, ensuring proper functioning of muscles, all while satisfying hunger more quickly so that you don't feel starving soon after eating.

Selenium is an essential trace element with antioxidant properties to protect cells from free radicals. It also contributes to immune system support, proper thyroid hormone synthesis and DNA expression. Selenium may even have cancer fighting abilities, helping lower risk of developing colon, prostate and lung cancers according to some research reports.

Zinc plays many roles in the body and is thought to boost immunity. Like copper, it supports normal brain development and functioning, plus participates in improving wound healing. Zinc is also necessary for the ability to taste or smell; critical for reproduction, growth, and prenatal health ;and vital for healthy skin, nails, and hair.

Overall, Rabbit meat provides a range of important minerals which contribute to optimal health. Therefore, rabbit meat is an excellent source of minerals.