per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 22.6 g
Fats 1.4 g
Water 75.7 g
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.6 grams


109 Calories per 100g

Lingcod, otherwise known as the Ophiodon elongates, is a fish that sits on top of the food chain in the Pacific Beach. With a stout body, large head, and dull olive hue, the lingcod have a cloudy white coloration on their backs with bright spots covering their lateral area. This unique fish can grow anywhere between two to four feet in length, and can weigh up to 50 lbs. Although a strange looking member of the sea, this great ocean dweller plays an important role in the coastal ecosystem and provides a great source of sustenance for those living in the surrounding areas.

Lingcod come from the greenling family of fish, and are believed to have evolved from standing on their heads or “standing out” from the other fish in the water. This could be due to their eye structure, with the eyes on the tops of their heads. By having this set of eyes, it allows the lingcod the ability to see above the other smaller fish in the water, and helps them to hunt and feed more efficiently.

The lingcod’s behavior is nocturnal, meaning they do their hunting and feeding during the night, while they rest during the day, staying close to their homes — the ledges and crevices in the ocean. They prefer to feed on smaller fish, such as anchovies and herring, but they will also take on bigger prey when they find them. This sea creature also carries a more aggressive side and won’t shy away from fights with other species when it comes down to keeping a territory.

Lingcod tend to spawn during the late summer and early fall, typically laying hundreds of thousands of eggs during that time. This leads to younglingcod swimming around in tight schools to ensure their survival, and helps them to learn how to hunt and feed on their own. The small fish also have a lifespan of up to 25 years when living in their natural habitat, with the females often outliving the males.

Due to their robust body, popularity, and abundance, lingcod have become a very sought after species for recreational fishing. People will often seek out deep sea fishing charters to try and catch one of these slippery swimmers, either with their own hand-crafted rods or a turbo-charged boat with a harpoon. Either way, it provides a great thrill and a great catch when the day comes to an end.

In the United States, catch regulations have been put into effect in order to protect the population. Although commercial fishing is not allowed, some of the larger lingcod can be kept and make for a hearty meal when ready to be consumed. Eating lingcod is also very popular in different Southeast Asian cultures where they are often served as sashimi or steamed with herbs and spices.

Lingcod are an important part of the ocean’s ecosystem, and their presence contributes to the overall health of the ocean. Due to their population numbers, lingcod can often serve as an indicator of the overall environmental conditions within an area and can provide information about what’s really happening in the surrounding waters.

Regardless of their appearance, the lingcod are an impressive fish that deserve their place near the top of the food chain. With their stark appearance, nocturnal behavior, and hard-fought catches, they are surely one of the ocean’s most interesting species and should be appreciated for the role they play in maintaining the delicate habitats of our environment.