190 Calories per 100g

Trout: Complete Vitamin Profile

Trout: Considered a good source of vitamins?

Yes, trout is a good source of vitamins. Trout provides valuable amounts of several essential vitamins that are important for overall health and well-being, including thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. Thiamine helps keep your cells healthy, while riboflavin helps with red blood cell production and converting food into energy. Niacin improves circulation, pantothenic acid supports metabolism and brain function, while vitamin A helps maintain the lining of your eyes and skin, as well as aiding in bone growth. Additionally, trout contains adequate levels of vitamin D which has been shown to reduce inflammation and strengthen bones, hair, skin, and nails; and vitamin B12, an important nutrient for maintaining nerve and blood cells, as well as assisting in heart health.