190 Calories per 100g

Trout: Complete Amino Acid Profile

Trout: Considered a good source of amino acids?

Yes, trout is an excellent source of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins and can help maintain tissue health and promote energy. Trout contains all nine essential amino acids, meaning it provides our bodies with enough of each to ensure we’re getting what we need from our diets. It also contains ample levels of non-essential amino acids like arginine, glutamine, and tyrosine, which are important for immune system functioning and digestion. These substances serve as precursors to neurotransmitters which regulate moods and enhance cognitive performance. As such, eating a 3 ounce serving of cooked trout can provide almost half our daily protein needs. Additionally, since trout has a high natural concentration of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, it may help reduce inflammation in joints and improve cholesterol levels as well. All in all, trout packs plenty of nutrients that can support our overall wellness.