per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 23.2 g
Fats 6.3 g
Water 69.2 g
Sugar 0 ug
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.7 grams

Jack Mackerel

156 Calories per 100g

A Jack mackerel is a species of fish from the family scombridae. The family scombridae is made up of several species which include tuna, mackerel and Spanish mackerel. It’s also commonly known as a horse mackerel. It’s found throughout much of the western Pacific Ocean, eastern Indian Ocean, and western Atlantic Ocean.

The Jack mackerel typically has a blue-green metallic color on the top, with silver sides and a white underside. It grows to around 38 centimeters in length and has greyish spots and wavy stripes on its side. Its most distinguishing feature is its long pectoral fin. It has long, pointed jaws and large eyes.

The Jack mackerel is an important species for fishing due to its high value in the food industry. In some areas, it’s one of the most abundant and adaptable species of fish available. It’s a schooling species and schools are generally made up of fish of similar size, with adults typically 5 to 10 centimeters larger than juveniles.

The Jack mackerel is an important commercial species. It’s often fished for food and the oil from its liver is used in many industrial and pharmaceutical products. The flesh can be canned, frozen, smoked, fried, or dried for use as an ingredient in soups and stews. Its oil is also used to produce margarines, cooking oils, and omega-3 supplements. Its flesh is also used in a variety of processed foods, such as canned fish patties and fish cakes.

The Jack mackerel can also be harvested for sport. Some anglers consider it to be a great fighting fish and it’s an excellent game fish, particularly when hooked with a light line. It’s excellent for trolling due to its speed and strength. It’s also a popular target for spearfishing.

In addition to being a popular game and food fish, the Jack mackerel is also an ecologically important species. As mentioned previously, it is a schooling species and adults, in particular, provide valuable habitat for numerous smaller species. Their large schools can be a valuable source of food for other fish, seabirds and marine mammals.

The Jack mackerel is also a keystone species in terms of prey-predator relationships. It’s an important food source for many larger species such as birds of prey, seals and porpoises. It also helps maintain the food chain and overall health of the ocean ecosystem.

As climate change continues to affect the oceans, the Jack mackerel is at risk. It’s highly vulnerable to changes in water temperature, salinity, and oxygen levels. It’s often a target for overfishing and the fisheries targeting them often don’t follow the recommended catches. These challenges, combined with the increasing demands on fisheries, further increase the risk to this species.

As an important food and game fish, the Jack mackerel is vital to both local and global economies. It also plays an important role in maintaining our ocean ecosystems. Therefore, it’s important for us to consider and protect this species by adhering to regulation and controlling overfishing. This can help ensure that this vital resource is available for generations to come.