898 Calories per 100g

Bacon Fat: Complete Sugars and Carbohydrate Profile

Bacon Fat: Considered a good source of carbohydrates?

Bacon fat can be a good source of lipids, depending on how it is cooked and if all the bacon fat is consumed. Bacon fat, also known as lard, contains high amounts of monounsaturated fats and saturated fatty acids. These types of fatty acids are effective sources of energy for cells throughout your body. Specifically, they are able to store and release larger quantities of energy than other nutrients or carbohydrates when broken down in the digestive system. Additionally, these fats contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, which help protect cellular membranes, act as an anti-inflammatory agent, improve brain function, and aid in heart health.

However, consuming too much bacon fat can lead to high levels of cholesterol and ultimately raise the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases like hypertension and atherosclerosis. Furthermore, the nitrates and preservatives found in processed bacon may increase the chances of cancer in individuals who consume large amounts of bacon fat over time. Therefore, bacon fat should only be consumed in moderation to maximize its nutritional benefits and minimize potential negative health effects.