per 100 grams
Carbohydrates 0 g
Proteins 26.2 g
Fats 2.7 g
Water 71.6 g
Sugar 0 ug
Fiber 0 ug
Ash 1.1 grams


128 Calories per 100g

Tilapia: An Introduction to This Delicious and Sustainable Fish

Tilapia, often referred to as “the chicken of the sea,” is one of the most popular aquaculture species in the world. The freshwater fish is native to Africa, but today it can be found in warm-water ponds and shallow, still waters around the globe. Tilapia has become an increasingly popular fish option due to its mild taste, versatility, affordability, and sustainability.

Tilapia is an omnivorous fish, meaning it feeds on both plant and animal matter. Its diet consists mostly of algae, aquatic plants, and other small animals such as insects, mollusks, crustaceans, and the occasional small fish.

Tilapia is low in fat and high in protein, making it a healthy and nutritious choice for people who want to eat more seafood in their diets. It also contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which have numerous health benefits and are important for maintaining a healthy heart.

In terms of flavor, tilapia is a mild-tasting fish and can easily be adapted to any number of cooking styles and cuisines. The mild taste makes the fish a great ingredient to add to stir-frys, salads, sandwiches, tacos, and more. Tilapia is also a great source of lean protein and can be cooked quickly, which makes it a popular option for busy home cooks.

Tilapia is also highly sustainable, making it a smart choice for environmentally conscious consumers. The fish can be raised on a combination of naturally occurring food sources from the aquatic environment, so aquaculture operations do not require the use of supplemental fish meal diets. This helps to reduce the environmental impact of tilapia farming.

Furthermore, tilapia farms typically discharge minimal waste into natural water systems, and they are also often used to improve local water quality. Tilapia aquaculture is a low-input, low-impact type of farming and is considered to have fewer environmental consequences than traditional animal farming.

When it comes to buying tilapia, it is best to select fish that is certified “eco-friendly” or “sustainably raised.” This certifies that the fish was farmed in an environmentally responsible manner, so that it does not negatively impact the surrounding aquatic ecosystem or environment. You can also look for fresh tilapia in local farmers' markets and specialty seafood markets.

Tilapia is a delicious, healthy, and sustainable fish option that is perfect for the home cook. The mild flavor pairs well with a variety of flavors and spices and it is quick and easy to prepare. Additionally, tilapia is an eco-friendly fish choice, so you can feel good about serving it to your family. With these reasons in mind, it's no wonder why tilapia has become such a popular seafood option.