375 Calories per 100g

Corn Flour: Complete Mineral Profile

Corn Flour: Considered a good source of minerals?

Corn flour is a good source of minerals including iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Iron helps to produce healthy red blood cells and supports oxygen transport throughout the body. Potassium assists with muscle health and proper functioning of nerves and organs. Magnesium contributes to bone strength and regulates calcium levels, while zinc helps support a healthy immune system. Additionally, corn flour provides vitamins such as vitamin B1 (thiamine) and several B-complex vitamins. These plus other valuable nutrients make up for what corn flour may lack in terms of fiber content. For example, wheat flour has approximately 4 grams of fiber per 1/4 cup whereas corn flour only has 0.3 gram of fiber per 1/4 cup. Despite it being low in fiber, using small amounts will still help contribute to overall dietary fiber intake.