101 Calories per 100g

Custard-apple: Complete Vitamin Profile

Custard-apple: Considered a good source of vitamins?

Custard-apple, also known as cherimoya or sharifa, is a nutritious and delicious tropical fruit native to South and Central America. It's mild flavor has notes of both sweetness and tartness, and its creamy texture makes it popular in desserts and smoothies alike. Custard-Apple is notably high in vitamins B, C and E.

Vitamin B aids us in building proteins, processing carbohydrates for energy and forming red blood cells, thereby promoting healthy skin and hair growth. Vitamin C is perhaps best known as an immune system booster, but also helps fight inflammation and facilitates the production of collagen, allowing for protection against free radical damage. Vitamin E, meanwhile, acts as a fat-soluble antioxidant, which means it can protect cell membranes from oxidative stress present within fatty tissues and other important organs such as the brain and eyes.

Apart from vitamins, custard-apple also boasts an impressive lineup of minerals that are great for our overall health. These include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and iron. Furthermore, this superfood is abundant in fiber—both soluble and insoluble—which can ease digestion troubles, support optimal heart health and even reduce bad cholesterol levels. Even without considering calorific value, there’s no denying that custard apples are a nutritional powerhouse!